We have meal options free of the following food allergens:

  • Gluten
  • Wheat
  • Dairy
  • Seed & Nut (includes tree nuts)
  • Soy
  • Egg
  • Fish & Shellfish

If you have a food allergy, please note that our meals are manufactured in a facility that processes a variety of food allergens, so cross-contact is possible. Should you have an allergy or other special medical conditions, you are urged to take extra precautions. All of our products provide a list of the ingredients contained on the labels as well as on our website and our FAQ.

If you have adverse reactions to specific foods, it is your responsibility to avoid eating these foods. Healthrageous is not responsible for any adverse reactions related to allergies or other medical conditions.

If you’re living with IBS, some of our gluten-free and dairy-free meals may be suitable choices since sensitivity to both gluten and diary are common among those individuals with the condition. And, since there are no one-size-fits-all diet recommendations for IBS, we recommend you read each food label carefully and avoid any meals containing ingredients that may be suspected triggers for you.

You can find a complete alphabetical listing of all of our individual meal information in this folder of our FAQ page.